Trap Ease

Trap Ease

…which a company is a part. Test yourself now in the self-test section of your Online Study Guide. Choose Chapter 4, choose Step 3 (Self-Test), click on “Multiple Choice” and answer Questions 2, 3, 5, 8, and 12. Submit for grading (this takes only seconds).
You can stay and try other test questions or come back to this page and try them after you have finished the chapter.

Different Environments 4.9 What is the difference between an internal and an external environment? This is not a simplistic question with a like-wise-simple answer – think it through: what main things make an environment internal or external?
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Insert the Video Cases disc and find the Video Segment for Chapter 4, called Relationship Marketing (the Video Case is called “Product Placement and Buzz Marketing” and I have a feeling this is an error so ignore the written case for this video).  
Click here to re-read Instructions For Running the CD ROM’s

Relationships and Environments Which of the six environmental factors (Demographic, Economic, etc.) is the MAJOR reason why Relationship Marketing is popular again? (it was popular in early retailing in small towns when the store owner knew you personally).    


Insert the Mastering Marketing CD and in the Table of Contents for the CanGo case, find Chapter 4: The Marketing Environment. View the introductory video for this section, then answer the two sets of questions (Part 1 and Part 2). Realize that each video introducing a part of CanGo starts with the same series of pictures of the people involved (including the woman saying emphatically, “It’s MY company…”); don’t be worried that you’ve gone back to…

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