Oprah Winfrey, A Person To Admire

Oprah Winfrey, A Person To Admire

…exposed to many great people such
Bill Gates, Donald Trump, and Jackie Kennedy, all who have made a great impression my life; however, none of those individuals have left an impression on my life as Oprah Winfrey has. Oprah Winfrey is a person I admire and have admiration for, for she had determination to be great, very informative, and is a humanitarian to the world; these are all the qualities that I admire in her, and I wish one day to have these qualities and follow in her footsteps.
Oprah Winfrey has always had determination to be great even as a child. As a young child, she was molested and often stayed in trouble; however, she overcame these issues and graduated from high school and attended Tennessee State University where she majored in speech and drama. While attending college, she started her broadcasting career working for a local CBS station; In addition, She was the first African-American women and the youngest person to accomplish this, but Oprah had the determination to be bigger, and her determination paid off in 1986; she got her own television show that still on television today, “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” “The Oprah Winfrey Show” was and still is the highest-ranking television show on the air.
Oprah is a very informative person. She let the world know about issue that was not talked about on television; Oprah let people know about the dangers of drug usage, homosexual relationships, eating disorders, and her very own personal struggles; in addition, she let the world know about the existence of mad cow disease; however, she was sued by cattle farmers, but she was acquitted of all charges. Also, she let the world know about the epidemic of AIDS that was plaguing the world. Oprah talked about many issues that really educated people.
Oprah Winfrey is a humanitarian. She has devoted her time and money…

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